About Us
Valley Trusses originated as a truss division for Keller Inc. in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. In March 1986 three partners purchased the truss plant from Keller and continued to grow and improve the business. In 1996 the partners added an office to the plant. In the summer of 2000 an addition of 4,800 square feet in the production plant and the purchase of a new press doubled the production capacity of the plant. From the initial purchase from Keller until his retirement, Dave Sprangers expanded and improved Valley Trusses. Under Dave’s guidance Valley Trusses became a respected and admirable company known for quality trusses and creating lasting relationships with our customers. Dave retired in 2017 and sold Valley Trusses to the current owners. Since this ownership change Valley Trusses has continued Dave’s vision with the purchase of an Alpine ALS 4.0 saw, a roll off truck, a new delivery trailer, and an extension to a truss table to increase production. A half-century later the original mission continues: grow Valley Trusses while keeping quality a top priority and maintaining customer relationships.

Our Facility

Our Projects